About us

[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1513347932803{padding-top: 30px !important;}”][vc_column][careerfy_about_company title=”About Our Company” bold_txt=”Vishnu Services
We believe in upholding highest standards of business ethics with complete commitment to total quality.” about_img=”https://vishnuservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/about-us-thumb-1.png” btn_txt=”Search Jobs” btn_url=”#”]

Who We Are:

Vishnu services began its journey in the jewelry industry. Today, we successfully serve our clients in All types of Manufacturing Industry & Service Providing sectors. We provide solutions to growing & leading companies for their manpower requirements.Vishnu services is a leading firm committed to the Advancement of H R solutions to growing as well as leading companies, Pan India.

VISHNU SERVICES stands for tremendous out sourcing for your ENTERPRISES.Vishnu Services is focused solely on enhancing the performance of your ORGANIZATION.We do this by unique leveraging our very best in talent tools and process.

We believe in upholding highest standards of business ethics with complete commitment to total quality. We take great pride in the confidence and respect that we have earned from our clients and strive to improve everyday.VISHNU SERVICES provides a platform to experienced professionals to display their potential as well.

Our Vision:

Our Vision is to become Leading Human Resource Management company providing exclusive services to clients. We strive to offer high quality candidates for all sectors. We are confident that we would leave no stone unturned in our endeavor to become one of the preferred services company in industry.

Our Mission:

Our prime motive would be to enhance business capability through reliable Human Resource Management.[/careerfy_about_company][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1513347965674{padding-bottom: 70px !important;}”][vc_column][careerfy_counters view=”view-2″][careerfy_counters_item count_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-paper” count_number=”1000+” count_title=”Jobs Added”][careerfy_counters_item count_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-resume-document” count_number=”50000+” count_title=”Active Resumes”][careerfy_counters_item count_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-briefcase” count_number=”1200+” count_title=”Positions Matched”][/careerfy_counters][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row careerfy_container=”wide”][vc_column][careerfy_testimonials img=”https://vishnuservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/testimonial-thumb-1-1.jpg”][careerfy_testimonial_item desc=”I just got a job that I applied for via careerfy! I used the site all the time during my job hunt.” title=”PRIYANKA THAKUR” position=”MAHARASHTRA”][careerfy_testimonial_item img=”https://vishnuservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/fp-slider-girl-2.png” desc=”I just got a job that I applied for via VISHNU SERVICES! I used the site all the time during my job hunt.” title=”NIMA KHATUN” position=”MAHARASHTRA”][/careerfy_testimonials][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1513339403770{padding-top: 70px !important;padding-bottom: 70px !important;}”][vc_column][careerfy_section_heading h_title=”Our Featured Services” h_desc=”A better career is out there. We’ll help you find it. We’re your first step to becoming everything you want to be.”][careerfy_services][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-coding” service_title=”Cross Browsers” service_desc=”Etiam lobortis egestas orci vitaa laort ed at nunc nec mas pretiuem lao.”][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-support” service_title=”Easy Customization” service_desc=”Etiam lobortis egestas orci vitaa laort ed at nunc nec mas pretiuem lao.”][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-pen” service_title=”Modern Design” service_desc=”Etiam lobortis egestas orci vitaa laort ed at nunc nec mas pretiuem lao rtl.”][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-briefcase-time” service_title=”Quick Support” service_desc=”Etiam lobortis egestas orci vitaa laort ed at nunc nec mas pretiuem lao.”][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-company-workers” service_title=”Permanent Staffing” service_desc=”Etiam lobortis egestas orci vitaa laort ed at nunc nec mas pretiuem lao.”][careerfy_services_item service_icon=”careerfy-icon careerfy-graphic” service_title=”Payroll Management” service_desc=”Etiam lobortis egestas orci vitaa laort ed at nunc nec mas pretiuem lao.”][/careerfy_services][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1513338979764{padding-bottom: 40px !important;}”][vc_column][careerfy_call_to_action view=”view-2″ cta_img=”https://vishnuservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/multiple-logos-1.jpg” cta_title1=”MILLIONS OF JOBS.” cta_title2=”FIND THE ONE THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU.” cta_desc=”Search all the open positions on the web. Get your own personalized salary estimate. Read reviews on over 200 companies In Maharashtra. The right job is out there. Use VISHNU SERVICES to find it.” btn_txt=”Search Jobs” btn_url=”https://vishnuservices.com/jobs-listing/”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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